
Just the Best Linux Games

True Combat: Close Quarters Battle screenshot True Combat: Close Quarters Battle

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Category: FPS License: Free / Open source 58,789 views

True Combat: Close Quarters Battle (TC:CQB) is the successor to True Combat: Elite (TC:E), a tactical shooter with online multiplayer. Currently in alpha version, so expect bugs (and more features/maps to come).

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  • Милен Вълов

    cool game

    • LinuxSytesNet

      Доста добра, че ми беше леко писнало от Alien Arena :Д

  • Ccubedd

     was nice while it lasted, however this project/ game is dead. Is there any other Realistic FPS?  like Arma or rogue spear or battlefield 2

  • Dannaguilarcorral00

    donde se descarga??

  • Dannaguilarcorral00

    donde se descarga???

  • Lauri Lokk

    Looks amazing! Now where’s that big red “Download” button?

  • Austin Williamson

    Easy enough to install.


      iam running linux-gamers there a way to add some games like this one

  • Austin Williamson

    OMG! This makes America’s Army look like kid stuff.